Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 - The Year of the Snake...and also CHANGE

One of my resolutions this year is to blog more. (She says after not blogging in months - perfect time to get back into it really)

I should start off by saying that I never made New Years resolutions - I didn't believe in them. I always thought if you wanted to change something, just change it. For the most part, this is true for me and it's how I live my life.

But now I also realize that without goals, my life is pretty boring. I want to achieve something. I want to look forward to completing tasks, and face my challenges head on.

Of course, I don't know what all of these "challenges" will be yet. There are a lot of changes I want to make in my life, and some of them have to do with my blog and my YouTube channel. I don't know what they're going to be just yet; I only know changes are afoot.

It's pretty exciting.

So, yeah - now I have some New Years resolutions to look forward to. The next step is getting my vision board set up so I can visually track where I'm at and what I have yet to do. It's the best way to go.

I also plan to be organised this year. I am the most unorganised person on the planet! I refuse to let myself get overwhelmed about it too, which is a big problem in and of itself. I can have one simple thought about organising my kitchen utensils (for example) and then suddenly - magically - it spirals out of control and I'm envisioning my entire kitchen caving in on me from the weight of chaos. So of course, I put it off and nothing gets done.

I've gotten too comfortable in the last few months, and have not challenged myself or pushed myself outside of my comfort zone. No wonder I feel like I'm in a rut. This year I'm going to scare the crap out of myself and push past those barriers. I've got to do it bigger and better than the first massive push in 2012 or it's just not going to feel like I'm doing anything worthwhile (for me, always and only for me).

Twenty thirteen is my year of change. I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. i will be here to cheer you on! i can't wait to see how everything evolves! *hugs*
