Monday, August 12, 2013

Mani Mondays | Orly

This week's theme is NEON!

Some people love their neons, some people hate them. Personally, I love them and this particular neon is my (current) all-time favourite. 

In sunlight
Here on the beautiful, sunny gold coast of Australia, we seem to be saying goodbye to the last vestiges of winter and moving into the gentle warmth of Spring which I am embracing wholeheartedly!

Officially it's not Spring until September 1st but we're two weeks away - nobody's counting. As far as I'm concerned, when our temperatures stay consistently between 22-30 we're in Spring. I love the Gold Coast!! There is no place better.

I love everything about this polish. I love how bright it is - even against pasty pale skin - and I love that it's loud and obnoxious and in your face. It's an absolute must have for anyone who loves pink. Oh hell it's a must have for anyone who loves bright, bold and utterly obnoxious.

Top: Direct Sunlight | Bottom: Shaded Outdoor
Pictures are two coats on the nail, no bottom or top coat. It dries relatively quickly between coats, and unfortunately for me, dents and chips rather easily. It's probably not the fault of the nail polish but more my fault since I'm ridiculously hard on my nails.

And I wonder why I have a hard time with them.

Linking up with the other beautiful Mani Mondays maniacs: Lindsay, Kimberly, Genevieve, Kat, Anca, Jaimie, Marianne and Jessi.

Please feel free to pop over to the Official Facebook Page and join up with us! We would LOVE to have you!! x


  1. Wow what a great colour Aggie...looks so good on you! This will have to go on my 'to get' list ;)

  2. AMAZING colour! So jealous of your 'winter' temps... 22-30?! That's blinking hot in my books!! HAHAHA! Thanks for sharing xxx

  3. I actually had my hot little hands on this color in Ulta last week! I put it back because I just don't care for neons on me. :-\ Anyway, it looks gorgeous on you and your nails are amazing! ♥
