Friday, March 1, 2013


[ Girls ]
I can't even stand how much I obsess over this show. It revolves around Hannah and her three friends, all of whom live in New York City. You might automatically think Sex and the City but no, it's nothing like it. This? This is better. A hundred times better. I love Hannah's character; I think she's sassy and awkward and beautiful and she's trying to find herself and where she fits in in her own life. I love her. It's also on HBO which means there's a ton of swearing, a ton of sex and some full frontal nudity.

[ Hart of Dixie ]
When I first started watching this, I didn't understand how it was even airing, because it was just so boring. But I had nothing else to watch at the time, so I forced myself to sit through the first episode. It wasn't brilliant. I kept waiting for something awesome to happen. Nothing awesome happened. But by the end of it, I kind of had to know what was going on in episode two. By the third episode, I was well and truly hooked. The show revolves around Dr Zoe Hart and her new life in Bluebell Alabama. Throw in some hot bodies and an awkward love triangle, and I am all over that. Yessuh.

[ The Carrie Diaries ]
I am a total cougar after watching this show. This is young Carrie (pre Sex in the City; before she became a doormat and let Big walk all over her and treat her like utter garbage), confident Carrie, the-totally-awesomest-best-friend-you-wish-you-had Carrie. She's sixteen, goes to high school with her two best friends and works part time in New York City. She has a younger (albiet highly irritating) sister, lives with her Dad and juggles her life in Connecticut with her life in the Big Apple. And what series would be complete without a bad boy? Not this one. Enter: Sebastian Kidd. Oh lord. He makes me wish I was sixteen again. And living in Connecticut. In a fictitious tv series. Yeah.

[ Arrow ]
Born in a comic book and transferred to a tv series, does this show even need a blurb? I kinda don't really think so. Look at him. LOOK. I mean, damn. If you watch for no other reason, watch for him. He's topless a good portion of each episode, girls. What's not to dig about that? If you need more... He's a crime fighter. He's topless a lot. He works out like a machine. He loves his family, and is intently focused on righting a lot of wrongs. He's also very much in love with his best friend's girlfriend who, incidentally, was originally his girlfriend before he cheated on her with her sister. And then got her sister killed. The only thing that would make this show better, is if it were aired on HBO. Yum.

So - what's on your obsession list these days?

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprisingly addicted to the Carrie Diaries! Surprisingly because I am NOT a Sex and the City girl at all! I just love the style so much, I love HER, I love Sebastian, I love Walt.... you get it :)
